USAF Helicopter Pilot Association

Reunion 2005

Reunion #12 - September 19-22, 2005 Reno, NV

Over 330 attendees called

Reno Revisited” a great success

This was the 20 year anniversary since our first reunion at Sheppard AFB, Texas in 1985.

Although there was some false advertising about the hospitality room opening Sunday morning, it really opened at 8:00 AM Monday morning staffed by Bill Waters, Dale Eppinger and Royal E. Foster (not shown). Off camera in the back of the room trying to answer questions and setup displays were George Livingston and Bob Strout. KV Hall arrived with a truck load of history for our members to review which was well received by everyone. Lots of hours spent looking at the photos, albums, clippings, etc that he provided.

Tuesday found a few of the brave and daring members hunting Golfs at Wildwood Creek Golf Course. (Sorry, hunting golf balls, not golfs) First place went to the team of: Mulder, Trapp, Worthham, and Deviney.; Second place to: Luther, Rensch, Michaelson and King, and third place to Coody, Klinert, Foley, and Lamoreaux

Wednesday found over 230 folks boarding five stages coaches (Buses) for the trip to Virginia City. After several hours of checking out antique stores, tourist boutiques and other similar type stores, we assembled at the Delta Saloon banquet room for a great buffet of fried chicken, ribs, sweet corn, beans and other goodies. Then we walked up the hill to the Piper’s Opera House. (Wouldn’t you know, uphill after a large dinner?) At the door to the Opera House, Don Damoth was “captured” by bounty hunters for some unspeakable crime. He emerged unscathed from the ensuing gunfight.

Everyone then headed inside for the performance of an original musical: CATHOUSE AFTERNOON. The show was enjoyable, but then it was on the buses for the trip back to Sparks.

A few folks took time to drive out to Stead to see how much it had changed in 40 years. Boy, has it! There are now houses even past the airbase where it had only been sagebrush before. But it brought back a lot of good memories.

The Business Meeting was, well, busy. George Livingston opened the meeting, with the Pledge of Allegiance, then the Minutes from the last General Membership Meeting were read and approved. Bob Strout provided a snap shot of the Balance Sheet as of September 15th. New business touched on a resolved problem with the IRS and tax returns. Next, five changes to the bylaws were submitted for review and comments. After much discussion, it was determined that Article VI would be amended to reflect the election of the Chairman by the General Membership, who would appoint his own Board, Chairman of the was to be inserted in front of Board of Directors as appropriate. The Chairman was granted authority to contract all or part of subsequent reunions. Article VII was amended to include a term of office expiration date. Article VIII was amended to require an internal audit by the incoming Chairman and the Treasurer. A copy of the amended bylaws as approved is included with this newsletter.

Bob Putlock volunteered to be Chairman for the next reunion, and was duly elected by the General Membership.

The next reunion will be held in Orlando, FL. Dates to be determined. Bob then presented a proposal for an after reunion travel and tour trip to Bavaria, through the EDELWEISS Lodge and Resort, an Armed Forces Recreation Center in Germany. A minimum number of 24 couples would be required. A show of hands indicated a sufficient interest.

Our Guest Speaker was Lt. Col. “Chuck” Long currently assigned to Central Command. He provided an update on Central Commands Organization, the Areas of Responsibilities, and its capabilities in Southwest Asia. He also provided statistics on military activities in support of hurricane survivors in the gulf coast.

The membership approved posting the Memorial Roster to the web site:

Other issues discussed included combining reunions, not voted upon, Invitations from the Air Rescue Association to attend their September reunion and the Jolly Greens to attend their May 2006 reunion A newspaper article critical of two navy helicopter pilots prompted a request for a letter to the Secretary of the Navy. Post reunion research subsequently proved the article to have been in error. A motion was made for the USAFHPA to make a donation to the Katrina and Rita hurricane relief agencies, including Keesler AFB Military families. It was approved and referred to the new Board of Directors pending availability of funds. A helicopter will be placed on display at the Air Force Academy, more information on this when available. The meeting was adjourned.

The formal dinner was a Victorian Buffet. Tables were set and reservations were made for over 330 attendees. Unfortunately, Hurricane Rita was making her presence felt, and some members left early to return to the Texas/Louisiana coasts to secure their homes and properties.

After cocktails at 1800 Hours, 316 folks made their way through the lines for a delicious buffet.

Conversations continued on into the evening, with all the activities winding down about 2130 Hours. Thus ended the Reno-Sparks Reunion of the USAF Helicopter Pilot Association.

The Reno Group; George Livingston, Bob Strout, Don Damoth, and Bill Waters thank all the members who made this reunion a success, and invite everyone to Orlando, Florida for our next gathering. You will soon be hearing from Bob Putlock and his Orlando staff.